In order to raise awareness about the pressure of encroachment on airport operations and its corresponding noise effects on neighbouring communities, the airport launched a workshop regarding land-use planning in 2018, to engage as many stakeholders as possible. With the support of the ANIMA Project and many of its consortium partners, the airport managed to initiate discussions with representatives from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), the Romanian Ministry of Environment, airlines operating in Romania, the Association of Airports from Romania, other aviation stakeholders (e.g. airspace procedure designers), independent experts (aviation, environment), as well as with members from the surrounding communities around the airport. The aim of this meeting was to develop a common understanding of the issue, while gathering input from as many stakeholders as possible with regards to future steps towards finding effective solutions. The main conclusion was that aircraft noise has become a pressing problem and that it should be managed appropriately through the use of all available tools (e.g. ICAO Balanced Approach pillars).
After the workshop, continuous communication between most stakeholders (workshop participants) was ensured through individual periodic meetings and responsibilities, which were shared among them accordingly in order to make use of available tools for managing aircraft noise. Apart from having defined a clear need to tackle encroachment at a national level, identified ‘best practice’ from other airports (e.g. Kiev Airport, Heathrow Airport) has contributed significantly to formulate the strategy of this intervention in order to support the definition of land-use planning provisions in a clear and transparent manner.
In this sense, all relevant policy-makers were identified (Ministries of Environment, Transport, Regional Development and Tourism, Health). After an extensive analysis of the available legislative framework, various gaps and unclarities were identified: unclear responsibilities regarding noise restrictions for residential buildings near airports, absent mandatory aircraft noise limits that influence the possibility to undergo constructions around airports, unclear procedures to follow during constructions performed around airports related to aircraft noise and absent corrective actions against failure to account for aircraft noise during residential development projects.
Each party was invited to open discussions in order to investigate their legislative possibility to engage in managing noise and their limitations to support the implementation of land-use planning provisions in Romania.