Through the Consortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Quebec (CRIAQ) and its federal extension, the Consortium for Aerospace Research in Canada (CARIC), Canada is maintaining the Green Aviation Research and Development Network (GARDN), which supports an extensive portfolio of research projects.
The Green Aviation Research and Development Network (GARDN) is a non-profit organization funded by the Business-Led Network of Centres of Excellence (BL-NCE) of the Government of Canada and the Canadian aerospace industry. To increase Canada’s aerospace competitiveness, GARDN funds collaborative projects that can reduce the environmental footprint of the next generation of aircraft, engines and avionics systems developed in Canada. GARDN helps its members from academia and industry bring their innovative ideas to life.
There is also a noticeable joint US-Canada collaboration programme named ASCENT, which is exquisite because of its environmental aviation impact research highlighting their efforts on the noise impact.
The Aviation Sustainability Center (ASCENT) – is a cooperative aviation research organization co-led by Washington State University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Also known as the Center of Excellence for Alternative Jet Fuels and Environment, ASCENT is funded by the FAA, NASA, the Department of Defense, Transport Canada, and the Environmental Protection Agency. ASCENT works to create science-based solutions for the aviation industry’s biggest challenges.