Horizon 2020-funded aviation noise research projects at Aeroacoustics 2019
May 8, 2019
The ANIMA project was part of Aeroacoustics 2019 held in Delft, the Netherlands, between 20 and 23 May. The ARC (Airport Regions Conference) team, showcased ten Horizon 2020 aviation noise research projects supported by INEA (the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency) aimed at improving quality of life of EU citizens. The ANIMA stand at the Aeroacoustics 2019 exhibition looked at key aspects from these ten European projects:
- JERONIMO (Jet Noise of High Bypass Ratio Engine: Installation, Advanced Modelling and Mitigation)
- ENOVAL (ENgine mOdule VALidators)
- AFLONEXT (Active Flow Loads & Noise control on next-generation wing)
- TurboNoiseBB
- ARTEM (Aircraft noise Reduction Technologies and related Environmental iMpact)
- Aerialist (AdvancEd aircRaft noIse AlLeviation deviceS using meTamaterials)
- ICARe (International Cooperation in Aviation Research)
- IMAGE (Innovation Methodologies and technologies for reducing Aircraft noise Generation and Emission)
- RUMBLE (RegUlation and norm for low sonic Boom LEvels)
- ANIMA (Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches)
About Aeroacoustics
Aeroacoustics 2019 (AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference) is an international forum for the field of aeroacoustics, which gathers scientists and engineers from industry, government and academia to exchange knowledge and results of current studies and to discuss directions for future research. This year, the conference was organised and hosted by the Netherlands Association of Aeronautical Engineers (NVvL) with the support of the Technical University Delft, the Netherlands Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) and German Dutch Winds tunnels (DNW).
It was a great opportunity for enrichment and for engaging with researchers in the field of aeroacoustics and presenting ANIMA as well as other noise-related EU-funded projects to a global audience of experts.
Highlights from the sessions
The conference included some 400 papers from more than 25 countries. The presentations were divided in various sessions. Out of these sessions, some of them particularly stood out, as being connected to the area of activity of ANIMA project.
The session on community noise and metrics & sonic boom presented insights about different sound quality metrics for different aircraft and components under several operational conditions during take-off and landing. The session also included an analysis of the current tools with the purpose of identifying gaps.
The session about emerging urban aviation noise presented state-of-the-art predictions about the noise and the annoyance generated by new urban prototypes (drones, propeller, electric prototypes, quadrotor, etc.) and suggestions about how to design the most silent prototypes.
Meet us in Bucharest
If you have not had the chance to pass by the ANIMA stand at this event, we are delighted to announce that you can see us at Aerodays 2019 (Bucharest, 27-30 May), where ANIMA project will be part of the event as well.
DISCLAIMER: ANIMA is a research project which does not have operational or enforcement capability and which conclusions are proposed to policy-makers. The information and views set out in this press release are independent from the official opinion of the European Union and its bodies. Neither the ANIMA consortium partners nor the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.