Events Published: 15 Apr 2021

Webinar: Quality of Life in Airport Communities beyond the ICAO Balanced Approach

April 15, 2021

In the framework of the EU-funded project ANIMA (Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches), the Airport Regions Council, together with the ANIMA consortium, organised an interactive webinar on the topic of quality of life and ICAO Balanced Approach implementation. 

This event aimed to generate debate, reflection, interest, engagement and more visibility and information for Communities and Local Authorities regarding the measures (noise interventions) already taken at airports, and its effects in those key cases that already provided better outcomes. 

Noise management is a deeply complex issue. There is a need to design robust noise management actions that can deliver targeted outcomes (not necessarily represented through noise metrics), and where progress towards such outcomes can be evaluated. 

The ICAO Balanced Approach addresses aircraft noise issues in an environmentally responsive and economically responsible manner. One shortcoming though is that the Balanced Approach does not provide a methodology to evaluate noise management interventions. Therefore, ANIMA, through this event, created an opportunity to exchange on noise management measures that can increase the quality of life of neighbouring communities either by mitigating annoyance or by engaging communities in decision-making processes, which lead to consensus. 

The ultimate goal of this dissemination event was to dynamically engage with stakeholders: three case studies were presented, each one of them followed by an interview between the speakers. The event also seeked to validate project findings, capturing data for the ANIMA final analysis. 


14:00 Welcome Words, Airport Regions Council

14:05 Overview of the regulation and main expectations, gaps and best practices

– 14:05-14:20 Marco Paviotti, Policy Officer, DG ENV & Jorge Pinto, Policy Officer, DG MOVE, European Commission

– 14:20-14:30 Paul Hooper, Chair of Environmental Management and Sustainability, Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), ANIMA Project

– 14:30-14:40 Eszter Kantor, Associate Director, Valdani Vicari & Associati (VVA), PHENOMENA project

– 14:40-14:55 Q&A

14:55 Case studies

• 14:55-15:15 Operational procedures measures: Heathrow Case Study presented by Rick Norman, Head of Noise, Heathrow Airport & Graeme Heyes, Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), ANIMA Project

• 15:15-15:35 Land-use Planning measures: Romania Case Study presented by Dan Radulescu, Scientific Researcher, National Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines (COMOTI), ANIMA Project & Victor Minchevici, Counsellor, Ministry of Environment, Romania

• 15:35-15:55 Community engagement: Arlanda (Stockholm) Case Study presented by Asa Göransson, Operations Airside, Swedavia Airports & Barbara Ohlenforst, Research and Development Engineer, Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR), ANIMA Project

In each case study, the speakers will present:

• Why did the airport/authorities choose this kind of measures (interventions) to manage airport noise?

• How did the airport/authorities implement the measures (timeframe, stakeholders involved)?

• Expected outcomes: in terms of noise (footprints or other indicators), health effects (annoyance and sleep disturbances), and assessment of results (cost-effectiveness).

15:55 Concluding remarks, Laurent Leylekian, ANIMA Coordinator & Discussion with Marco Paviotti, DG ENV & Jorge Pinto, DG MOVE

16:15 The end