Reinforcing coordination between national, international and European research activities
October 14, 2019
The ANIMA project includes a dedicated working group which focuses on enhancing coherence and efficiency of aviation noise research in Europe. The project supports the coordination of national, European and international research efforts.
On the occasion of the Aviation Noise Research Network Meeting, experts had the opportunity to showcase aviation noise research initiatives. The ANIMA project is further developing the network of national focal points in this sense, facilitating cooperation and exchange of best practices. National focal points from Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Switzerland and Serbia offered insights on what they are doing in their countries:
- Umberto Iemma, from the Roma Tre University, explained that the university set up through internal resources a number of projects on topics, such as the multidisciplinary modelling of next generation aeroengines, including technological and operational uncertainties.
- Lars Enghardt, from the German Aerospace Centre, presented a selection of the numerous projects funded by the Federal Research Programme Aeronautics LuFo, such as AGATA.
- Hervé Lissek, from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, introduced several national project held either by his own entity, by the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule of Zürich (ETH Zürich) or by the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science (EMPA), especially on liners and on noise synthetisation for listening tests.
- Dejan Todorovic introduced some of the activities carried in Serbia on acoustic cameras and on detection of noise sources by drone surveys.