EventsVideosNews Published: 30 Jun 2020

ANIMA Webinar: Aviation noise perception after COVID-19

June 30, 2020

ANIMA project organised a webinar on the topic of aircraft noise to discuss what its return, post-COVID-19, might mean for both the aviation sector and the local communities. We also took a look at how the European Union will adapt its short- and long-term plans in research and transport through the prism of both COVID-19 recovery, as well as the Green Deal.

As skies have grown quiet in Europe and beyond due to COVID-19 crisis, there has been an unprecedented period of respite for communities living around airports, which were previously exposed to far higher levels and amounts of noise. While aviation activity could grow again, eventually up to pre-COVID-19 levels, the perception of aviation noise might shift as well. Will noise become even more noticeable or will it a be, to some extent, a symbol of the return to “normality”?  

At the same time, the European Parliament advocates for a green and ambitious EU COVID-19 recovery plan with the values of the EU Green Deal at its centre. These values could act as a compass for the COVID-19 recovery of the aviation sector as well – an opportunity for sustainable growth, based on a coherent and transparent approach to noise management and mitigation. In this webinar, we will explore the links between improving the quality of life of local communities and reaching climate-neutrality as key priorities post-COVID-19.   

Agenda – Moderation by Airport Regions Council 

10:00 Welcome Words
Alexandra Covrig, Senior Project Officer, Airport Regions Council
Leonidas Siozos-Rousoulis, Project Officer, INEA (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency)
Laurent Leylekian, ANIMA Coordinator, ONERA – The French Aerospace Lab

10:15 Overview of previous, current and future expectations
Dr David Marsh, Business Intelligence and Statistics Unit, EUROCONTROL

10:30 New range of possibilities for aircraft noise management: Reduced traffic, open dialogue and community engagement
Dirk Breedveld, Representative of the Rotterdam community around Rotterdam The Hague Airport – Community experience and expectations about the return of aviation noise

Roel van der Bolt, Municipality of Rotterdam – Expectations about the return of aviation noise

Desiree Breedveld & Steven van der Kleij, Representative of the Rotterdam The Hague Airport manager – Airport experience and expectations about the return of aviation noise

Paul Hooper, Professor, Chair in Environmental Management and Sustainability, MMU (Manchester Metropolitan University) & Roalt Aalmoes, R&D Engineer Environment & Virtual Community Noise Simulator, NLR (Netherlands Aerospace Centre) – Post COVID aviation recovery messages from ANIMA

11:25 Future Outlook at European level – moderated by Laurent Leylekian, ANIMA Coordinator
Philippe Lenne, Policy Officer DG MOVE
Michael Kyriakopoulos, Policy Officer, DG for Research and Innovation, Clean Planet – Low Emission Future Industries

11:45 Questions & Answers

Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact Airport Regions Council at (Alena Maximova, Communication Officer) and (Alexandra Covrig, Senior Projects Officer).