ANIMA steps in to coordinate aviation noise research efforts
The meeting of European experts was a side-event of the CEAS Workshop sponsorized by ANIMA
September 17, 2018
Amsterdam, 5 September 2018 – ANIMA project followed the steps of X-Noise projects and hosted the long-awaited “Aviation Noise Research Network” annual event. It gathered aviation experts from all around Europe, with a purpose to harmonise and reinforce noise research efforts at national and European levels.
Under its “Global Coordination” aspects, the ANIMA project is to deliver a common strategic research roadmap for aviation noise reduction. This roadmap comprises mitigation solutions, assessment of noise effects on populations, best practices and it pays special attention to community involvement. For the roadmap to be successfully developed, there is a need to engage a wide network of noise experts from all over Europe, including coordinators of EU funded research projects as well as National Focal Points from member states and several candidate countries.
Kindly hosted by one of the ANIMA partners, the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR), the annual Aviation Noise Research Network event was kicked off with a “full network” meeting moderated by Safran Aircraft Engines, with support from Anotec Engineering, German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the French Aerospace Lab ONERA.
The first outcome of the meeting is a well-defined collaborative process leading to update within a year existing research roadmaps, in order to include novel elements, such as the low noise impact aircraft, an annoyance based approach and a new subset structure. The meeting was also a unique opportunity to exchange information on other related European projects (such as JERONIMO, TurboNoiseBB, ARTEM, RUMBLE, AERIALIST, ENOVAL and AFLoNEXT), providing first-hand insights on results to be considered during the roadmap building exercise.
Additionally, several national focal points contributed to the event, reporting on local priorities and research activities undertaken in a national context. Welcoming extended attendance from the Balkan region, the network coordinator, Dominique Collin (Safran), underlined the importance of the participation of national focal points to the roadmap elaboration: “their contribution allows for a comprehensive vision of national existing efforts and upcoming needs in aviation noise research”.
As further emphasized by Laurent Leylekian (ONERA), the ANIMA project coordinator, “the annual network event brings together the aviation research community and serves as a forum for building knowledge. It ensures that the European and national efforts are harmonised. As such, I am delighted that ANIMA organised the full network meeting; it is the perfect medium to build lasting aviation noise reduction and mitigation strategies”.
The “full network” meeting was followed as is customary by a two-day scientific workshop, dedicated this year to “Future Aircraft Design and Noise Impact”, involving significant international participation.