VideosEvents Published: 22 Oct 2020

Webinar on Airport Environmental Challenges: from Noise to Emissions

October 22, 2020

This webinar brought together ANIMA partners and airport end-users to discuss some of the environmental challenges airports are facing today. Airports are at the forefront of the sustainable transition required for transport infrastructure. In line with the European Green Deal, decreasing greenhouse gas and noise emissions is crucial for fostering more eco-efficient airport operations, which can ultimately lead to enhanced quality of life for communities surrounding airports. 


The webinar is based on a holistic approach, covering several items. The trip started with ANIMA results on managing the noise impact at European airports and will move on, via noise & emissions interdependencies, to a broader agenda which included the decarbonisation aspects. The perspective of ‘starting the journey’ airports in Central Eastern Airports was the core of this online event.