Latest News All Events Reports Videos News NewsANIMA talks about noise disturbance in CORDIS magazineFebruary 17, 2021VideosEventsWebinar on Airport Environmental Challenges: from Noise to EmissionsOctober 22, 2020NewsCall for Tender for ANIMA Work Package #5 – Research TasksSeptember 17, 2020EventsVideosNews ANIMA Webinar: Aviation noise perception after COVID-19June 30, 2020NewsEvents ANIMA-ANNA exchange on the role of non-acoustical factors when tackling aviation noise impactApril 14, 2020VideosPeople behind the ANIMA ProjectApril 6, 2020EventsNews ANIMA Project at Aerospace Europe Conference 2020: OutcomesMarch 25, 2020NewsWhat would a good, fair neighbourly relationship with the airport look like?March 15, 2020News Critical Assessment of the Best Practice for Balanced Approach ImplementationMarch 5, 2020News Approaching noise management with new methodsJanuary 15, 2020News Health consequences of aviation noiseJanuary 5, 2020Events Success strategies for noise mitigation in airport areas: Communication and two-way dialogue with communitiesDecember 18, 2019 Page 2 of 4. Previous 1234 Next Load more