Latest News All Events Reports Videos News NewsAircraft noise: an emerging environmental issueSeptember 26, 2018Events ANIMA steps in to coordinate aviation noise research effortsSeptember 17, 2018NewsEventsLand use planning for international airports in SloveniaSeptember 9, 2018Events ANIMA experts transfer knowledge to local stakeholders in Iasi, RomaniaJuly 23, 2018NewsEvents ANIMA project presented to local communitiesJune 19, 2018ReportsPublication: Aviation Noise: Exploring Novel Approaches for Aviation Noise Management (2018)June 19, 2018News Stakeholders have their say in the ANIMA noise researchJune 12, 2018News ANIMA partners exchange ideas at study visit in the UKMay 15, 2018NewsEvents 1st ANIMA technical review and project management meetingMarch 16, 2018EventsVideos ANIMA presented at the European Parliament Brussels, March 6, 2018ReportsPublication: Aviation Noise: Managing and Mitigating Noise Impact (2018)Brussels, March 6, 2018NewsEvents H2020 project kicks-off to mitigate the impact of aviation noiseOctober 25, 2017 Page 4 of 4. Previous 1234 Load more